Apocalypse Preparation: How to Survive an Apocalypse?

Apokalyptisches Bild einer von Sandstaub umgebenen Großstadt bei Tageslicht

Have you ever thought about how you could survive an apocalypse?

Especially in an exceptional situation like the corona pandemic, many people have been looking for tips on how to arm themselves against "apocalyptic" conditions in a crisis or special situation.

However, as this scenario has been on our minds for a long time and keeps popping up (often inspired by Hollywood, which of course sparks our imagination), we want to take a closer look at how you can personally survive an apocalypse in this article!

What does apocalypse actually mean?

The apocalypse is the total destruction of the world as predicted in the biblical book of Revelation. The apocalypse can therefore be described, for example, as the complete destruction caused by war or a natural disaster.

Skateboard fahrende Person in apokalyptischem Szenario

Fear of catastrophe has always been present in human society, which is why many people search for instructions on how to survive in everyday life.

What should you do in an apocalypse?

A few canned goods, a flashlight and enough water: are these supplies enough to survive an apocalypse?

Let's take a closer look now:

💥 Apocalypse survival - step #1:

It's best to prepare everything so that you have enough supplies to survive for 30 to 90 days.

First, get the basic things you need to survive. These include water, canned food, blankets and pillows, warm clothing and medication.

In addition, flashlights and sufficient batteries and matches are essential. A pot should also be part of your basic equipment, as well as a plate, a cup, a spoon, a fork and a knife.

💡 Tip: Think about what you need on a camping trip. camping trip would take with you!

So also have a rope, a map, a can opener, a camping stove and propane gas, an axe, a first aid kit, adhesive tape, boots and preferably a water filter ready.

Also useful:

  • Tools

  • wood

  • candles

  • towels

  • Paper towels

  • Solar charger

  • Safety pins

  • thermometer

  • Superglue

💥 Apocalypse survival - step #2:

Prepare an emergency kit now. Whether it's a major earthquake or a global pandemic, your health always comes first.

Your emergency kit should always contain the following items:

  • Plasters

  • gauze

  • antibiotics

  • antivirals

  • ibuprofen

  • Paracetamol

  • antihistamines

  • laxatives

  • iodine

  • Tweezers

  • scissors

  • Disinfectant

💥 Apocalypse survival - step #3:

Also try to ensure certain hygiene standards. Pack the following so that hygiene doesn't become a problem:

  • (Moist) toilet paper

  • Hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste and soap)

  • Garbage bags

  • Spades

💡 Tip: A separating toilet can be a great advantage if there is no flush and is also very hygienic.

Frau trägt mehrere Rollen Toilettenpapier

Conclusion: What to do if the worst comes to the worst?

In our scenario, we are assuming a milder disaster. But: If the whole world is threatened and it's a matter of "bare" survival, our list is at least a start 😉.

It is important that you make yourself as comfortable and practical as possible in your location (e.g. at home or in a self-built shelter). Above all, this includes having enough water, food, clothing and tools.

You should also imagine what it will be like if the electricity is cut off. You won't be able to use your stove or fridge. The water supply from the tap (especially hot water) can also become a problem. In crisis situations, there is often no water from the second floor upwards.

A useful idea for your home is therefore a toilet that does not require flushing. Because even in crisis situations, we need to do our business and ideally do it as comfortably and hygienically as possible.

BOXIO - TOILET MAX+ | Separating toilet complete set

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For this reason, we can recommend a urine-diverting toilet like the BOXIO - TOILET is highly recommended.

This compact companion can be used not only when campingbut also in the event of a real apocalypse!

Frau hat Angst vor der Apokalypse und bedeckt ihr Gesicht mit den Händen

Apocalypse preparation - FAQ

What is actually meant by "prepping"?

Preppers are people who specifically prepare for the collapse of civilization and therefore stockpile large quantities of food and sometimes even create shelters in order to survive the "end of the world".

How do the super-rich prepare for an emergency?

Prepping has also reached the super-rich. Tech billionaires in particular are buying luxurious bunkers and hiring military security forces. Elon Musk goes one step further and is even planning a Mars colony.

Zombie apocalypse: can there be such a thing as zombies?

Can there really be such a thing as a "zombie apocalypse" or a "zombie virus" and will the fight against the undead be the order of the day at some point? We can't tell you that, but in our opinion it's relatively unlikely 😉.

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