5 Ultimate Tips for Growing Your Vegetable Garden

5 ultimative Tipps zum Anlegen deines Gemüsegartens

Do you have an allotment and want to grow your own vegetables? With a little planning, patience and dedication, you can transform your garden into a productive eco-oasis. We'll show you the steps you should take to design your garden and how you can get the gardening season off to a successful start.

  • Plan your garden:
  • First, you should think about what you want to plant.

    Which vegetables are best suited to your climate and which are needed for the season?

    Don't plant too much at once - take your time and plan to plant your vegetables in stages so that you can keep the harvest manageable.

    Once you have decided on everything, mark out the ground and look at the order of the plants. A rough plan should suffice for this.

  • Prepare the soil:
  • In order for the plants to thrive, it's important to prepare the soil properly. For vegetable gardens, you should look for soil containing compost.

    In addition, you need to measure the pH value of the soil - the optimum pH value is 6.5 - 7. Many people still choose to remove the "weeds" completely.

    In most cases, however, these methods are not really ecological and it has been proven that certain plants support each other in order to grow better. If you would like to know more about this topic, take a look at the terms "natural garden" or "permaculture".

  • Start with planting:
  • Once you have prepared the soil, you can finally start growing vegetables! Each vegetable has different conditions - make sure you have all the information before you start planting:

    How deep do you need to plant the seeds? How deep is the distance between the plants? How often do you need to water? Is the variety resistant to disease?

    Insider tip: You can also get really old seeds in various Facebook groups. In other words, no highly bred fruit and vegetables that have to be completely reseeded every season and taste really delicious.

  • Gardening season starts!
  • Have you planted all your plants? Then it's time to wait for them to grow! Be patient - it takes time until everything can be harvested and check regularly to make sure everything is in order: Is there still enough sun? Has mold or fungus formed anywhere? Timely treatment can prevent unpleasant consequences and help you to complete your harvest successfully!

  • Water supply & sanitary facilities
  • Not every allotment garden has a functioning water and sanitation system. With the Boxio-Wash, a washbasin that allows you to wash your hands, rinse or shower without electricity, and the Boxio-Toilet, which is a dry separation toilet, you are also optimally supplied in this area.

    Now you too are ready for the gardening season! With a little planning and patience, anyone can realize their dream of having their own vegetable garden in their allotment - the result is definitely worth it! So get to work and soon enjoy fresh vegetables from your own production!

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