ABF Hannover

ABF Hannover 2025 - Experience BOXIO on site

ABF Hannover 2025 - Erlebe BOXIO vor Ort

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You will find the BOXIO stand in Hall 25 Stand F40. Here at the corner stand we will be available for you from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.

BOXIO SANITARY | Mobile bathroom

Your compact and robust bathroom in just two Euroboxes. With the comprehensive BOXIO bundle, you always have everything you need with you and can meet your needs anytime and anywhere without electricity.
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Trenntoilette and mobiles Waschbecken

ABF Hanover

ABF Hannover is an important trade fair for leisure, camping and outdoor activities that attracts numerous visitors every year. We are pleased to announce that BOXIO will also be attending this year's fair. Discover BOXIO's innovative products and experience them live on site. Let yourself be convinced by the advantages and functionality of BOXIO products and expand your camping equipment with environmentally friendly and practical solutions for your outdoor adventures.

General information

Opening Hours: Daily 10 am to 6 pm

ABF Hannover is an important trade fair for leisure, camping and outdoor activities. From 12.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 the ABF Hannover opens its doors for you daily from 10-18 o'clock.

Here you can find a detailed hall plan of the ABF Hannover 2025including the locations of all exhibitors, sanitary facilities, food stands and rest areas. Here you will also find information on parking facilities, parking fees and special parking spaces for people with disabilities.

ABF Hannover hall overview

Hall 19 & 20 | Travel & Vacation

Discover diverse travel destinations and secure tailor-made vacation experiences for unforgettable moments.

Halls 21, 24 + 25 | Caravanning & Camping

Experience the freedom of traveling at northern Germany's largest caravan and camping trade fair with everything an explorer's heart desires.

Hall 22 + 23 | B.I.G. - Ideas for your own home

Find inspiration for your home at northern Germany's leading building and garden fair - from renovation to redesign.

Hall 25 | Vanlife

Experience pure vanlife and get the feeling of boundless freedom in our exhibition halls.

Hall 26 | Outdoor & Fitness

Discover the latest trends in outdoor and fitness, from functional clothing to the latest sports equipment.

Hall 26 | Bicycle & Mobility

Immerse yourself in the world of bicycles and mobility trends with an extensive range of products for all bicycle enthusiasts.

ABF Hannover 2025 Prices

Tickets & Prices

Current ticket prices for ABF Hannover

  • Day ticket: Wednesday-Friday: €12.00 in advance (€14.00 at the box office)
    Weekend: €14.00 in advance (€16.00 at the box office)

  • Reduced day ticket: Wednesday-Friday: €11.00 in advance (€13.00 at the box office)
    Weekend: €13.00 in advance (€15.00 at the box office) for school pupils, trainees, students (aged 18 and over), senior citizens (aged 65 and over), people with disabilities, participants in federal voluntary service/voluntary military service/voluntary social or ecological year, unemployed and welfare recipients. Also valid for ADAC and DCC members. Proof is required.

  • Junior day ticket: €7.00 in advance (€9.00 at the box office) For children and young people aged 6 to 17. Admission is free for children under the age of 6 when accompanied by an adult.

    Afternoon ticket (Wednesday-Friday from 2 p.m.): €8.00 in advance (€10.00 at the box office).

  • Visitor dogs: Admission for dogs is free of charge.

For more information on special tickets etc. click here.

BOXIO TOILET MAX+ | Separating toilet complete set

Ultralight and portable dry separation toilet in Eurobox format. The SOLO-UP not only provides an elevated sitting position but also offers you additional storage space for litter, toilet paper and bio-bags.
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Trenntoilette mit Komplettset

Directions to the ABF Hannover


For a quick and easy journey to the exhibition grounds in Hermesallee, 30521 Hannover, the A2 highway is ideal for visitors coming from North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin. The A7 freeway is the direct connection for visitors coming from Hamburg or Munich.

Arriving from different directions
  • From the north: Visitors should take the A7 in the direction of Kassel/Hanover and change to the A37 (B3 Messe-Schnellweg) at exit 56, Hannover-Kirchhorst junction, which leads directly to the exhibition grounds in Hanover.

  • From the east: The A2 in the direction of Magdeburg/Hannover/Dortmund offers a good connection. At exit 47, Hannover-Buchholz junction, visitors should turn off onto the A37 (B3 Messe-Schnellweg), which will take them to the exhibition grounds.

  • From the south: Take the A7 in the direction of Hannover/Hamburg. At exit 60, Dreieck Hannover-Süd, change to the A37 (B3 Messe-Schnellweg), which leads directly to the destination.

  • From the west: Take the A2 towards Hannover/Magdeburg/Berlin and take the A7 towards Kassel at exit 48, Hannover-Ost junction. From exit 58, Hannover-Anderten, follow the B65 towards Hannover and change to the B6 (Messe-Schnellweg) at the Seelhorst junction, which leads directly to the exhibition center.

Public transportation

Getting to Messe Nord

Take the tram line 8 to get to the entrances NORD 1 + 2 and WEST 3.

  • Stop: Hannover Messe/Nord
  • Connection: Direct journey from Hannover main station with intermediate stops at Kröpcke, Aegidientorplatz, Altenbekener Damm and Bothmerstraße via subway line 8 (direction Messe/Nord 18).

For further information, we recommend visiting the ÜSTRA or EFA websites.

Numerous events, workshops and lectures take place at the ABF Hannover. To register for these or to get tickets, visit the event page of the fair. There you will also find further information on the program and the individual events.

Visit BOXIO at the ABF Hannover

If you are visiting the ABF Hannover, you should definitely visit the BOXIO stand at . BOXIO will be presenting its innovative and practical products for campers, tent users, gardeners and boaters. In this section, you can find out what to expect at the BOXIO stand and why you should definitely not miss it.

One of the highlights at the BOXIO stand will be the live demonstrations of the products. You will have the opportunity to try out products such as the BOXIO-Toilet and BOXIO-Wash for yourself. This will allow you to see for yourself the advantages of the products, such as their compact size, light weight and ease of use. The exact times and locations of the product demonstrations will be announced at the stand.

BOXIO will also be presenting new products or updates to existing services at the trade fair. Be surprised what special features and innovations BOXIO will be presenting this year. Perhaps there will be a new version of the BOXIO toilet or the BOXIO Wash with even better functions.

There will also be special trade fair offers for you during ABF Hannover. Take advantage of discounts or exclusive packages that are only available during the trade fair. Find out about the current offers at the BOXIO stand and save on your purchase.

The BOXIO stand is in a highly visible and easily accessible location at the trade fair. The stand design is appealing and inviting, making it easy to find. Just look out for the large BOXIO logo and eye-catching product displays.

At the BOXIO stand, you will meet experts and team members who will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the products. Take the opportunity for personal consultations or make contacts with managers and other visitors. Get to know the people behind BOXIO and learn more about the company's philosophy.

In summary, a visit to the BOXIO stand at ABF Hannover offers you the chance to experience the innovative products for yourself, benefit from trade fair offers and get to know the BOXIO team personally. We look forward to your visit!

BOXIO WASH PLUS | Mobile washbasin with camping shower

Whether on a relaxing camping vacation, at your mobile sales stand or on the construction site - our mobile washbasin is your faithful companion. With the shower head, you always have your shower with you.
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Mobiles Waschbecken mit Campingdusche

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